
Wellness Care Our objective is to maximize wellness care to minimize distress.

Annual Visit

Do my pets need an annual visit?

They age fast, have very limited sources of communication, and their survival instincts are built to hide their pain and discomfort. “I am fine”- till it’s really not fine.In addition to vaccine updates and prevention of critical diseases, wellness visit is also important to get your fur babies checked thoroughly for possible clinical abnormalities and addressing them to minimize the impact on their health and wellbeing.

Preventive Care


Just like in humans, there are many critical conditions for which pets need to be vaccinated on a regular basis. 

Click here to know AAHA vaccination guideline for your fur babies :

Heartworm Prevention 

Heartworm is a life threatening disease. The treatment of this condition is painful for pets and can also be life threatening. It is critical to provide Heartworm prevention medication for your pet’s lifetime. To get the detailed information on this disease, please click on the link below:

Flea and tick prevention 

These parasites can transmit many critical diseases like Lyme disease and Tapeworms. It is important to provide preventive medications for lifetime. We have now options of using topical medication as well as oral medications which can be given on monthly or tri-monthly basis.