
Geriatric Care  'Are They Just OLD’ Or is there something else going on?

We all mature and slow down as we grow. However, that contagious happiness your pet brings home can be long-lasting for most of our pets. Apart from aging, there are many reasons why your pet might have slowed down.

While we cannot reverse or stop age-related issues in our pets, there are many things we can do to help them improve their quality of life.

Common Geriatric Concerns

Oral Health

Apart from dental health at this age, several issues could occur in your pet’s mouth. Particularly, if they have advanced periodontal disease. They might still be eating, but toothache is not a pleasant feeling for pets. The good news is dental diseases can be treated and managed efficiently. Get your pet evaluated for their oral health and formulate a practical and effective long-term oral care plan.

Joint Health

 Unfortunately, joint conditions due to aging cannot be prevented. However, there are many options available now that can help slow down the progression of the condition, and help them live with minimal discomfort. Let’s get your fur babies evaluated and formulate a plan for their joint health.

Hormonal and Metabolic Changes

Hormonal and metabolic disorders can happen as a part of the aging process. Early diagnosis can help to treat and manage these conditions effectively. Pets cannot communicate the subtle changes they feel in their body like we can. It is important to get their physical and blood checked at least once a year to screen them for conditions that can be otherwise difficult to detect at early stages.


True. Our pets do not need reading glasses! It is normal if the eyes appear cloudy or bluish due to age-related changes. However, there are some abnormal changes, if treated early, can help protect their vision. Please bring your pet if you see consistent secretion or redness (even if mild).


Their muzzle turns grey, their coat is less elastic, possibly thin and ruffled, and there might be some white hair. These are normal changes during aging. However, there can be some additional changes that can represent underlying health issues. Changes representing metabolic and hormonal abnormalities can be observed in aged pets. Sometimes allergies can worsen along with age and sometimes there are permanent changes in skin due to chronic allergies. These changes might need additional support to manage microbial balance and the quality of their skin. And then there are lumps and bumps which if noted should get checked soon. These are the reasons why skin check is an essential part of our geriatric pet exam.


Geriatric age can vary from breed to breed and pet to pet.
Please make an appointment today to see how your elderly pet is doing.